Rodriguez in Bratislava and Pohoda in clubs with Donny Benét

Rodriguez in Bratislava and Pohoda in clubs with Donny Benét

Exceptional concerts of Pohoda 2018 will repeat this autumn Some concerts are so good that you want to repeat them as soon as you can. In the case of Donny Benét, we did so the next day after his Friday premiere at Pohoda 2018. Rodriguez performed on Saturday, so there was no time left for his second concert. Despite that, he performed for us on Sunday afternoon in the Artist Village on the festival grounds, where he returned from his journey to the Vienna airport.In the course of conversation, he mentioned his two almost-sold-out shows in the Royal Albert Hall as well as the fact that he would like to return to Slovakia very soon. Many artists say they would be glad to come back; Sixtoʼs team worked with us from the very first days after Pohoda. As a result, there will be just one concert added to those in one of the most prestigious music halls in the world—you can see this fantastic songwriter, who has lived an incredible musical and life story, in the Old Marketplace in Bratislava on 30th September. You will enjoy the intimate atmosphere of his songs the way he composed them, as this will be an exceptional solo performance. After the Australian tour, also the man responsible for the extraordinarily good renaissance of the 80s disco, Donny Benét, will retur to Slovakia. He will make dance the audience in Brno, Bratislava, Zvolen, Banská Bystrica, and Košice in early November. → read more

15. August 2018
Austrian, Polish, Hungarian, and Ukrainian media wrote about Pohoda 2018

Austrian, Polish, Hungarian, and Ukrainian media wrote about Pohoda 2018

“Once you visit, you will want to come back every year to get new experiences,” wrote the Hungarian Music-daily about Pohoda. Their colleagues from the portal added: “The most striking thing was that there were no “filler” artists in the programme compressed in two and a half days, they only had quality, contemporary, and exciting artists.” Polish Radio 17 wrote in the conclusion report of the three days: “There was so much going on that it would be difficult to describe such an adventure in a few words, or to choose what impressed the most. There is a question though that I can answer with one word only. It was worth it? Yes.” Katharina Seidler, in a review for the Austrian radio FM4, wrote about a city in which everybody understands each other. In her following article, she added that Pohoda renewed her belief in the fact that there are still great festivals without completely drunk visitors that are full of human dignity and kindness. Our friends from Ukraine even created a sub-page on their new website dedicated specially to Pohoda. → read more

09. August 2018
Tickets already available at our brick and mortar retailers

Tickets already available at our brick and mortar retailers

Since today, you can buy tickets for the 23rd edition of Pohoda also at our brick and mortar retailers. Currently, there are only 1 500 pieces of 3-day tickets left for €89. Unless sold, this pricing will last until the end of the summer, i.e. 23 September 2018. Also please note that the “pick-up in person” option in the Pohoda shop in Svätý Jur will not be available in August. The list of our retailers and their addresses can be found here: → read more

08. August 2018
60 seconds with Pohoda 2018 ©daviddoros vol. 2

60 seconds with Pohoda 2018 ©daviddoros vol. 2

Dávid Doroš put together a special compilation of Pohoda 2018 artist photos. He took pictures of them in Artist Village with the use of a special camera obscura technique and black-and-white film. Project name is derived from the exposure time: 60 seconds. His photos were awarded also within the Slovak Press Photo contest. Check the second serie of photos. More photos and more about the project can be found in the current issue of the magazine .týždeň (week). More here: insta: @daviddoros → read more

06. August 2018
A huge chance for Slovak artists: last month to sign up for Eurosonic

A huge chance for Slovak artists: last month to sign up for Eurosonic

Eurosonic is the largest European launch pad for new bands. It was here where the careers of names such as Aurora, Dua Lipa, Hozier, Mø, and Royal Blood started. The next edition will offer a huge chance especially for Slovak and Czech artists, as the biggest showcase festival of the Old Continent will focus on music from our countries also thanks to Pohoda. The opportunity will be given to eight bands from each country, and our artists will be able to gain one more slot thanks to RTVS (Slovak Radio and TV) (as a member of the European Broadcasting Union, they can recommend one name). Artist registration was launched on 1st May and will end on 1st September; the form is available at the festival website: ( So, there is one month left to sign up! → read more

01. August 2018