Pohoda Festival is launching the 9th edition of its contest for site-specific art installations within the festival grounds. The selected project will receive €4,000 for its realisation.
You can apply with any form of spatial site-specific art. This includes installations, spatial media, interactive works, objects, happenings, and more—art that will become a part of the festival grounds and life during Pohoda 2025.
DEADLINE: 20 April 2025
APPLICATION EMAIL: contest@pohodafestival.sk
- PDF presentation (max. 15 slides, max. size 10 MB)
- min. 300 words author's explication
- title
- visualization
- name, surname, contact details of the author
A professional jury will select the winning project, which will be featured on the Visual Stage at Pohoda 2025. The panel consists of:
Prof. Ilona Németh – Artist, professor, and curator of the Visual Stage at Pohoda
doc. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD. – Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
Mgr. Veronika Němcová – Cultural manager, Visual Stage manager at Pohoda
Mgr. art. Andrej Barčák – Graphic designer, co-author of the visual identity for Pohoda 2025
Michal Kaščák – Director of Pohoda Festival
Winning Works of the Pohoda Visual Art Contest (2015–2024)
1st Edition (2015)
Artists: WO/V/EN – A. Cséfalvay, M. Maczová, D. Pišteková, V. Trnovská
Title: The Doors
Artists: Lucia Barančová, Veronika Bátoryová, Martin Brogyanyi
Title: Pohoda Art Labyrinth
Artists: Lomohobby – Zuzana Duchová, Mária Čorejová, Denisa Vološčuková, Matej Hoppan
Title: Medzipristátie: Vnútorná krajina (Stopover: Inner Land)
Wild Cards:
Artist: Barbora Supuková
Title: V pohode na Pohode (Wellbeing at Pohoda)
Artist: Peter Kalmus
Title: Bicykel pre performera (Bicycle for a Performer)
2nd Edition (2016)
Artists: Marko Barvirčák, Viliam Ondo, Patrik Olejňák, Peter Galdík
Title: Minaret
3rd Edition (2017)
Artist: Mário Kastelovič
Title: Ľudová manéž - Interaktívna inštalácia (Folk manège – Interactive Installation)
4th Edition (2018)
Artists: Ondrej Jurčo, Juraj Červený, Daniela Sabová
Title: Ján a Martina na Pohode (Ján and Martina at Pohoda)
Artist: Stano Masár
Title: Good Feelings
5th Edition (2019)
Artists: KundyCrew
Title: Trpezlivosť (Patience)
6th Edition (2020) – Pohoda in the Air
Artist: Andrej Kolenčík
Title: Coming Soon
7th Edition (2023)
Artist: Šimon Chovan
Title: Dear Thearlings
Special Award:
Artists: Mário Coufal and Volodymyr Serhachov in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
Title: Bahno 974: CASTORIN
8th Edition (2024)
Artist: Diana Paulová
Title: Tu nateraz (Here for Now)
For the past nine years, the Visual Stage has brought a diverse programme of visual art to Pohoda Festival, showcasing the work of both internationally established and emerging artists from Slovakia and abroad. Its mission is to introduce festival goers to high-quality contemporary art through various forms of artistic expression—from installations and performances to objects and thematic discussions and interviews. The Visual Stage is dedicated to fostering awareness of contemporary art, creating a space for formation of a conscious civil society and the development of critical thinking.