We have launched the sale of huts and tickets to Donny Benyétʼs concert

We have launched the sale of huts and tickets to Donny Benyétʼs concert

The discovery of Pohoda 2018, Donny Benét is returning to Slovakia. You can use our Pohoda Shop to buy tickets for his concert in Bratislavaʼs Nová Cvernovka that will take place on 7 November. Tickets for concerts outside of Bratislava can be purchased via pre-sales of individual clubs. Today, we have also launched the sale of accommodation with the highest comfort. Also this year, you can choose from wooden Trenčín huts (in a tent camp and in the Family Park) and Inovec huts. → read more

10. September 2018
New shop, tickets for kids and reduced admissions for juniors

New shop, tickets for kids and reduced admissions for juniors

We launched a new shop with several innovations on our website. The big news is that we will sell e-tickets in Slovakia only through our website and we will close our cooperation with Ticketportal. The advantage of the new setting is the possibility to combine all items from the shop (printed tickets and e-tickets, parking, tent, merch, etc.) in one order. We are changing the admission for children. We are pleased with the growing number of kid visitors and appreciate the trust of parents; we are happy that Pohoda is also a place of meeting of various generations. However, it is important for Pohoda to remain comfortable for all, therefore since next yearʼs edition, we will include children over 6 years of age into the total capacity of the festival and will consequently introduce “children” tickets. Admission for children from 6 to 12 years of age will be €39 in pre-sale and €49 on the spot. Another novelty accommodating juniors will be “junior” tickets for visitors from 13 to 17 years of age: the price will be reduced, compared to adult tickets. Tickets for juniors will cost €79 before the festival (€99 on the spot). Tent spots in Family Park and Silent Camp are available for sale starting today, each for €10.   → read more

06. September 2018
Medial Banana - Live at Pohoda 2018

Medial Banana - Live at Pohoda 2018

Reggae music was extremely strong at Pohoda 2018. Medial Banana presented the local reggae scene from Bratislava. The band already performed at Pohoda in 2015; the recording of their concert is the second most watched video ever on our YouTube channel. Their own videos have millions of views and their success lies on the bandʼs basic pillars, which are tolerance, chill, love for nature, sun, and comfort. Check the live video here: https://youtu.be/louagc5ImgU → read more

23. August 2018
Eurosonic applications only open until the end of August—the biggest chance for Slovak and Czech music

Eurosonic applications only open until the end of August—the biggest chance for Slovak and Czech music

Next Friday, 31 August, is the final day for musicians to fill in the Eurosonic 2019 application form at the festivalʼs website: https://esns.nl/play-at-esns. The largest platform presenting new music in Europe will offer an exceptionally large room for artists from Slovakia and the Czech Republic also thanks to Pohoda. Both the countries will nominate eight names to perform in the Netherlands. They will have the chance to showcase their work to many festival visitors, but in particular, to 5,000 delegates from influential agencies, festivals, clubs, and the media. We know in person the people responsible for choosing from all participants, and we can guarantee that they will listen to songs of all the artists. At the same time, we want to encourage representatives of minority genres. Punk rockers, metal bands, classical and experimental music composers, and representatives of folk, jazz, world music, and many other genres have the same (or even bigger) chances than indie bands and dance music producers. → read more

20. August 2018
Donny Benét, discovery of Pohoda, returns this autumn

Donny Benét, discovery of Pohoda, returns this autumn

The discovery of Pohoda 2018, Donny Benét is returning to Slovakia. Before the 22nd edition of our festival, only a few fans of the current lo-fi disco scene heard about this phenomenal Australian showman and musician. After the festival, Pohodans started his official Slovak fanclub and he also received (similarly to The Chemical Brothers) a praising solo review at the Aktuality.sk portal. It said that this time machine produced a romantic return to the 80s and a show that will be remembered for a long time and, mainly, with a smile on the face. Thanks to the autumn Pohoda in clubs, you can do more than just remember: right after his Australian tour, this bon vivant will fly to Europe again in November and will perform in Brno, Bratislava, Zvolen, Banská Bystrica and Košice on 6—10th November 2018. → read more

15. August 2018
Legendary Rodriguez in Stará Tržnica

Legendary Rodriguez in Stará Tržnica

The story of Sixto Rodriguez can be boldly called one of the most powerful in the history of music. His songs were copied by millions, they inspired anti-apartheid warriors, and legends were being told about him, while he was working at construction sites back home. One of the best songwriters from the end of the hippie era has finally earned the merited recognition thanks to the Oscar documentary “Searching for Sugar Man”. His history with Pohoda was powerful, too. It took us six years to finally drag him to our festival, and once here, he did not want to leave. He eventually became the last foreign artist to leave the festival grounds. In the course of conversation, he mentioned his two almost-sold-out shows in the Royal Albert Hall as well as the fact that he would like to return to Slovakia very soon. Many artists say they would be glad to come back; Sixtoʼs team worked with us from the very first days after Pohoda. As a result, there will be just one concert added to those in one of the most prestigious music halls in the world—you can see this fantastic songwriter, who has lived an incredible musical and life story, in the Old Marketplace in Bratislava on 30th September. You will enjoy the intimate atmosphere of his songs the way he composed them, as this will be an exceptional solo performance. → read more

15. August 2018