Pohoda acoustic sessions: Komorný orchester mesta Trenčín
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The guys in the band Walter Schnitzelsson too gave audience a huge dose of energy at Pohoda 2016. A video of their concert is available at our YouTube channel from today, see the concerts 2016 playlist. → read more
At their concerts at Pohoda, BAZZOOKAS and visitors tested the springing system of their stage, a school bus. Besides this setting, they also performed at the Orange Stage. You can watch the footage of their main gig in our YouTube playlist of concerts 2016. → read more
We sold out of tickets for € 79. Until 22 May, you can buy them for € 89. Starting today, we are launching the sale of tickets via Ticketportal. Thank you for your trust. → read more
Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra performed works of the most famous Czech composers (Smetana – “Vltava”, Dvorak – “Carnival”, Suk – “Fantastic Scherzo”, and Janacek – “The Ballad of Blanik”), as well as the Slovak song perhaps most played by orchestras abroad, "Musica Slovaca" by Ilja Zeljenka. Enjoy the recording from their performance... → read more
If you are interested in going to Pohoda 2017, then you should know that there are only 100 tickets left at price € 79. We are looking forward to see you on 6—8 July 2017 at Trenčín airport. → read more
After Clash magazine, Drowned in Sound, The Quietus or Virtual Festivals, the next to take a look at Pohoda's twentieth edition is Festival Insights website (which organizes European and UK Festival Awards polls). Editor Michael Baker was discussing this year's edition as well as Pohoda's past with Michal Kaščák. Read the interview here: www.festivalinsights.com/2016/08/conversation-michal-kascak-pohoda-festival → read more
Pohoda 2016 has been opened by Milan Lasica & Bratislava Hot Serenaders. Watch the first live concert recording of the 20th Pohoda by this excellent band. → read more
Science says you need to get in the pit. Turns out that most folks who regularly attend concerts report feeling happier about their lives overall, according to a new study out of Australia. More here: http://consequenceofsound.net/2016/08/going-to-concerts-regularly-leads-to-a-happier-life-according-to-a-new-study/ → read more
The organization is superb, and at €99 for a three-day pass – not to mention multiple low-cost options to get to both Vienna and Bratislava airports – it’s a wonder it hasn’t become as renowned among Western music fans as Exit or Sziget. Compared to UK festivals this is Utopia. The food options alone are mind boggling; In fact, it’s one of the most well-behaved festival crowds I’ve ever witnessed... Derek Robertson of the prestigious music website Drowned in Sound described Pohoda 2016 also with these words. You can read his full review here... → read more