Donny Benét, discovery of Pohoda, returns this autumn
The discovery of Pohoda 2018, Donny Benét is returning to Slovakia. Before the 22nd edition of our festival, only a few fans of the current lo-fi disco scene heard about this phenomenal Australian showman and musician. After the festival, Pohodans started his official Slovak fanclub and he also received (similarly to The Chemical Brothers) a praising solo review at the Aktuality.sk portal. It said that this time machine produced a romantic return to the 80s and a show that will be remembered for a long time and, mainly, with a smile on the face. Thanks to the autumn Pohoda in clubs, you can do more than just remember: right after his Australian tour, this bon vivant will fly to Europe again in November and will perform in Brno, Bratislava, Zvolen, Banská Bystrica and Košice on 6—10th November 2018. → read more