Dýchanie. Oslava vzduchu by S. Filko at Pohoda in the Air

Dýchanie. Oslava vzduchu by S. Filko at Pohoda in the Air

At the Pohoda in the Air festival, we will work primarily with the emptiness of the Trenčín Airport. The exception will be two visual art works: one of them will be Breathing – The Celebrating of Air (1970) by Stanislav Filko, which the artist himself also called “Wind in a 6m pressure ball” and later “Pneumatic heart” and “Breathing-RespirationSF”. According to art historian Lucia Gregorová Stach, the works combine Filko's creative approaches across a whole decade and, at the same time, outline his future creative direction: life energy and body (red biology), the universe and its pulsation (blue cosmology), and the indication of a new spirituality (white ontology). We can exhibit Breathing – The Celebrating of Air thanks to the Slovak National Gallery. → read more

04. July 2020
Nina Pixel at Pohoda in the Air

Nina Pixel at Pohoda in the Air

DJ and producer Nina Pixel will also perform at Pohoda in the Air at the locator area. Matwe, the curator of our club, describes her: “Nina reveals a link of rural traditions through the prism of her electronic compositional world. She analyzes and observes such cultural patterns on the audio-visual level, and explores whether they could be redefined in any way, including through queer and feminist forms integrated into the story of the current generation. She then creates a new, her own version of experimental ʻfolkloreʼ, in the form of stories and traditions retold into electronic language, using modified tools and field records.” → read more

03. July 2020
The Tap Tap and the Kilometer Dance at Pohoda in the Air

The Tap Tap and the Kilometer Dance at Pohoda in the Air

The Friday program of Pohoda in the Air will begin with the Czech big band The Tap Tap and the Kilometer Dance project. They played Pohoda 2016 and this time they will perform on perhaps the most barrier-free stage—the runway of the Trenčín Airport. Their concert will also include the festival's only dance performance. Radoslav Piovarči of EnKnapGroup will present the Kilometer Dance by Katarína Zagorski over an empty runway and other nooks and crannies of the festival in a special adaptation for Pohoda in the Air.  → read more

03. July 2020
The Martinus Literary Tent at Pohoda in the Air

The Martinus Literary Tent at Pohoda in the Air

The Martinus Literary Tent is opening its gates at Pohoda for the eighth time. The programme was again prepared in cooperation with literarnyklub.sk, this time, however, in a virtual form and in unusual places. Writers Balla, Vlado Janček and Laco Kerata will perform at the Literary Circus of KK Bagala, books will be read by Zuzana Fialová and Robo Roth. FCVK KVLT, Fejbs, Modré hory, Boy band will be featured in LiteRAPture. Jakub Jošt and Oliver Rehák will play three chess-literary-philosophical games with Ján Markoš and poems wll be read at the airport control towers. → read more

02. July 2020
Midi Lidi: The greatest hits unplugged

Midi Lidi: The greatest hits unplugged

Pohoda in the Air will also host darlings of our team, Midi Lidi. After the Give Masterpiece a Chance! album, they recorded music to many movies such as Prezident Blaník, Trash on Mars Soundtrack, Divoké bytosti and Republika Blaník, and in January they again started recording songs for their new album (during 2 weeks they worked on approximately 40 tracks) – first songs are Nejsi v tom sám and Hemmennex. Whether the new tracks will be a part of their set list at Pohoda in the Air next week remains unclear, as title of their concert is: Major hits unplugged. → read more

02. July 2020
Veľká Potreba at Pohoda in the Air

Veľká Potreba at Pohoda in the Air

Veľká Potreba first performed at Pohoda in 2017 on the Garage stage as a couple of artificial-fabric-wearing punk rockers combining guitar riffs with robotic beats and a plastic trombone. The band has since played several concerts in various countries and expanded by three members. The bigger formation has debuted with V rohu a few weeks ago. With its childish precision, naive nihilism, and a sense for generalization, the album anatomizes the desires and frustrations of the individual in meeting their daily needs. In just a few days, they will play songs from their debut live at the on-line festival Pohoda in the Air. → read more

02. July 2020
Ventolin at Pohoda in the Air

Ventolin at Pohoda in the Air

A romantic concert at sunset will be played and danced at Pohoda in the Air by the festival favourite—a one-man-box band with an extremely entertaining live show, Ventolin. Throughout the day David Doubek, aka Ventolin, lectures on cultural anthropology at Charles University, at night he entertains people at gigs. During the decade on the scene, he’s become one of the most sought-after electronic producers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.  → read more

01. July 2020