The fifth year of Doma Dobre with Bazzookas, Medial Banana, Katarína Máliková and Matúš Vallo a capella
For the fifth time, we will bring great bands and interesting debates to the Night shelter of St. Vincent de Paul, as a part of the event titled Doma Dobre (Well at Home). The aim of the concerts is to point out the issue of living without home directly in a place that is often the only chance for over a thousand people to survive winter. The main star of this year will be the Dutch ska-rock band Bazzookas, who won the hearts of our attenders at Pohoda in 2016 and 2018 with their pop-up concerts in their school bus. They also lived up to their reputation and exceptional approach when they did not hesitate and agreed on performing at the Doma Dobre concert, refusing any royalty (with the addition, that everything that is collected from the volunteer admissions goes to the people in need). The concert will be opened by our most successful reggae group, Medial Banana, after then Katka Máliková with the band will perform. She dominated the 9th Radio_Head Awards and she represented Slovakia at Eurosonic at the beginning of the year. On Sunday, December 9th, in the low-threshold dormitory of St. Vincent de Paul, a discussion about homelessness will take place, featuring the founder of Depaul Slovakia, Juraj Barát, the current director Jozef Kákoš and the Mayor of Bratislava, Matúš Vallo. The event also includes exhibitions of photos and video projections, and a novelty will be a children's play area with an interactive performance "About a Boy Who Sought the Smell of Chocolate". The admission to the concert is free, just like the past years. However, you can help people without a home by your voluntary contribution. → read more
28. November 2018