The concert recording of Sendreiovci Le Orchestroha
On Saturday at noon, the Bažant Stage was openend with the performance of Sendreiovci, the 35-member State Chamber Orchestra in Žilina, and a children's vocal ensemble Čercheňora. → read more
On Saturday at noon, the Bažant Stage was openend with the performance of Sendreiovci, the 35-member State Chamber Orchestra in Žilina, and a children's vocal ensemble Čercheňora. → read more
A famous presenter and editor of the German Radio Eins, Holger Luck, spared praise on our festival, too. According to him, the queues when ordering food and drink are the shortest at our festival and we have the cleanest festival lawn and the best kept toilets. Among the reasons in favour of visiting Pohoda, there were the words of praise for this year's line-up. He also highlighted the prices of 3-day tickets and the extremely friendly atmosphere at the Trenčín airport. → read more
From July 7th – 9th 2016, we’re going to celebrate Pohoda’s 20th anniversary. We’ll provide good music, beverages, food, as well as theater performances, literature, movies, dance, debates and many attractions for the birthday party. → read more
Paha have celebrated 20 years of their formation with an excellent performance at our festival. → read more
In May, they had the public release of their album Tektonická platňa (Tectonic plate); in July, at our festival, they confirmed their reputation of a great concert band; today, we bring you a recording of their performance. → read more
The vast majority of our this year's merchandise was sold out already on the festival Saturday morning and that's why we had the pieces with the greatest demand produced. Starting today, you can purchase them in our shop; however, their number is limited. → read more
Starting today, you can buy 3-day tickets for the twentieth edition of Bažant Pohoda via Hometicket. → read more
What do the songs “Cigánska” by Billy Barman, and “Ako najlepšie viem” from Para sound like in a swing arrangement? → read more
Kevin Barnes and company did not omit the greatest hits "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games" or “Gronlandic Edit” at our festival. → read more
Acollective is 7-piece band of musicians from Israel. The NME magazine likened their sound to a colored, Roma sounding Radiohead. → read more