We're moving to the airport
We have packed up our office and hit the road to the Trenčín airport. Forklifts and scaffolding arrives Tomorrow and day after we start to build huts, fencing and grandstands. See you in 11 days ;) → read more
We have packed up our office and hit the road to the Trenčín airport. Forklifts and scaffolding arrives Tomorrow and day after we start to build huts, fencing and grandstands. See you in 11 days ;) → read more
In order to be able to share festival experiences, a charged phone is a must. That's not going to be a problem at Pohoda since Orange will again provide festival-goers with hundreds of sockets for smartphone or tablet charging throughout the festival weekend and, at the same time, the company has increased the capacity at assisted charger spots. These will be available nonstop not only at Orange zone, but also near both campsite areas. Portable chargers will be available for you to use again this year. → read more
The latest addition to Friday lineup at Visegrad Stage is a Macedonian musician and producer Amplidyne Effect (Martin Georgievski). It all started as a drone / noise project and evolved into experimental ambient music with electronic and subtle post-rock and shoegaze elements. The main theme and inspiration for the project comes from nature itself and technology. He's known for a number of collaborations with other artists on-stage, through internet streams or recording sessions. → read more
The nickname DJ Paypal hides a young producer currently living in Berlin. He focuses mainly on juke and footwork. He likes taking experiments, and thus, his work pushes the boundaries of these genres. He is a member of TEKLIFE crew from Chicago, his own Mall Music, and more recently also of Flying Lotusʼs label Brainfeeder. On the latter one, he released the album SOLD OUT that showcases everything Paypal can do with 160 BPM. The music takes elements of soul, hip-hop, and jazz, which is very typical of Brainfeeder releases. → read more
Another new feature at Pohoda is security lockers Lock Inn. This new service will allow visitors to keep their valuables safe during the festival. If you decide to use this service, you will get your own locker and a key, while one cabinet can be shared by two people. The rental of a locker for the whole duration of the festival is €20. → read more
It's been 20 years since the name Drumatique first appeared on the flyers of the legendary U.club (todayʼ SUBCLUB). The residents as well as the founders of this successful club night were GABANNA and GALAGHA. Drumatique and Pohoda are like twins who have been sharing the path. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a joint birthday party. The central figures of Drumatique, Gabo and Galager, have been active at Pohoda for many years, and Gabo worked with us for many years as co-programme creator and stage manager. Besides Slovakia, the guys have played in the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Poland, France, the Netherlands, and the UK. The Drumatique team brings current drum 'n' bass sound, presently composed of GABANNA, GALAGHA, SVETLUX, CLIVE, INKWALL, ZAJO, and ROLAND. Of these, five will be presented at our festival. → read more
Today we published the line-up with the complete programme of Pohoda 2016 on our website. Also this year, we maintain the hour-by-hour system (or 90 minutes-by-90 minutes), which provides the opportunity to see more music and get oriented in the offer more easily. Such setting prevents crosstalk between stages. Website viewers can choose from two possible views of the programme: line-up (by stages) and timeline (by day). → read more
Band Moonlandingz will not attend the 20th edition of Pohoda. Their management explained their absence with unexpected personal reasons of band members. → read more
A respected hip-hop DJ/producer Justin "Kutmah" McNulty was born in Brighton, England, but lived in Hollywood since he was twelve. It was there where he started his nickname Kutmah, a name under which he became popular as a talented underground artist. He joined the Los Angeles dublab team and despite the fact that it is primarily a DJ, he also published several own production releases. → read more
Summing up tickets sold in our e-shop and with our resellers, we are pleased to announce that there are only 2,000 tickets available for purchase for the 20th edition of Pohoda. We would like to remind you that it is tomorrow when we are going to publish the line-up of Pohoda 2016 on our website. → read more