
Certified Pohoda maniac since 2008

  • Murdoc
    22. 6. 2016, 21:25

    @_tomillies to by možná byla cesta. Everyone Else jsem sice taky chtěl vidět ale Ash Koosha víc!

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  • Murdoc
    22. 6. 2016, 18:12

    A Ash Koosha by nešel posunout? Třeba i na
    nějakou hodně pozdní hodinu?

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  • Murdoc
    22. 6. 2016, 13:54

    @cookie blake x ash koosha? srsly?!

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  • Murdoc
    11. 6. 2016, 15:12

    což mi připomnělo myšlenku, která mě napadne vždycky, když jsem procházel pohoďácké galerie: nešlo by k fotkám dát stručnou popisku, co je to za koncert? vím, že by to bylo asi časově hodně náročné, ale občas nemám tucha, co to je za kapelu/diskuzi a docela by mě to zajímalo :)

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  • Murdoc
    11. 6. 2016, 15:09

    @Jeezo ahoj, fotky určitě budou. jen při přechodu na novou stránku asi nebyl čas na jejich migraci na nový web. a teď už má agentura asi jiné (příjemnější) starosti, tak snad po pohodě se dočkáme...

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  • Murdoc
    9. 6. 2016, 20:16

    DVA už dlouho nebyli...

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  • Murdoc
    7. 6. 2016, 16:02


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  • Murdoc
    6. 6. 2016, 18:56

    Go see Savages in concert and not only will you be convinced they are the greatest live band in the world, you might also forget other bands even exist. The England-based post-punk quartet have had a reputation for on-stage prowess, but man, these women were made for a massive festival showcase like the Heineken stage. Playing in the last spot before Radiohead, they absolutely obliterated everything in sight, delivering a ferocious performance that had my eyes as wide and impassioned as Jehnny Beth’s. Every member of the band was on fire — combustible guitar, crushing bass, and punishing drum detonations were all topped off by an inspiring display by the band’s lead singer. She bellowed, she screamed, she crowd-surfed, she cast glances at the audience capable of enticing, enlivening, and destroying you. They (intentionally or not) teased at the following band’s storied discography with “T.I.W.Y.G.” and its aggro refrain, “This is what you get when you mess with love.” And then they ended with the triumphantly defiant “Fuckers,” because how could they not?

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  • Murdoc
    5. 6. 2016, 23:56

    P2 je už taky pryč? hergot, to jsem nevychytal :D

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  • Murdoc
    24. 5. 2016, 10:57

    @gress don't believe the hype!

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