RETRO delicacies of Ryba Košice
The company Ryba Košice celebrates its seventieth birthday this year and on this occasion, you will be able to taste products available exclusively at Pohoda. Some witnesses may still remember smoked eel, halibut, red fish, and salmon so popular in the 50s. Fish is traditionally smoked using wooden chips technology, and Ryba Košice is the only company in Slovakia that still uses this technology. At Pohoda, they will also offer the traditional cod salad draught in freshly baked baguettes.
09. June 2016
You will also be able to taste fish marinated in wine syrup, stored in original oak barrels, which is a proven natural pick-me-up. Also this year, Ryba Košice will offer Algida ice-cream, this time at two locations. In addition to refreshment with Algida ice-lollies, visitors will be able to win a variety of gifts for children and adults and original T-shirts from Veľký Tresko :)