When not only the Sun shines
The third day of our festival began by the welcoming of the Sun with a record attendance of the Icelandic band Kippi Kaninus. The band composed a new song for this opportunity.
11. July 2015
The programme on Bažant stage was started by a world premiere of the unique project Sendreiovci Le Orchestroha, thanks to the special support by Slovenská sporiteľňa. At 2 pm, the people danced to the music of the 20-year-old band Puding pani Elvisovej. The tempo was kept by Chiki liki tu-a, who have played at our festival for ten times. The amazing atmosphere is helped by perfect weather and visitors, who are in a great mood. In our mini-survey, they praised mainly the logistics of the festival, which is the reason they don’t have to walk as much. Autograph sessions in the Pohoda shop are also scheduled, as is a music journey around the world in the company of Björk.