Večer pre všímavých (The Evening for the Attentive) - Saténové ruky
At The Evening for the Attentive, Vlado Janček and Bebe Bezák will appear in the literary circus of KK Bagala and will play with their band Saténové ruky as well. Other musicians in the band are Kasko and Jožo Lipa. Simple guitar riffs, playful lyrics with a story, and a rock and roll drive are typical of the Bratislava band Saténové ruky.
10. November 2015
Even though they started giving concerts already in 2011, they officially presented their debut album only in May this year; that is also why they talk about themselves as of the oldest starting band. In their songs, they make jokes and comment ordinary life events that make us lose our temper. Their debut album “Bozkávam” was co-produced by Tomáš Sloboda of Le Payaco. You will find there also the single Debil a kráľovná (a Moron and a Queen) and the song DušaN. The latter one has a strong animated music video created by the famous Japanese director Sugimoto Kousuke who based his work on the English translation of the song. The band has already performed at festivals such as Pohoda, Žákovic Open, and Radio_Head Awards.