
The anti-racist festival Slovak Pub begins tonight
The anti-racist festival Slovak pub begins today with the concert of the band Fortuan in the Piešťany brewery ŽiWell. The event will get into full swing tomorrow with a performance by Bez ladu a skladu in Mariatchi in Nitra, the concerts of Uhol Dopadu, Queer Jane and NighTeen Seventies in Nová Cvernovka in Bratislava, Maca, the band of the year, will play in Špajzka in Bratislava, and Rock House in Topoľčany will welcome the bands Frázy and The Wids. On Wednesday, there will be concerts in six more pubs, on Thursday in eight and, gradually, almost 150 bands and artists will present themselves in 100 pubs throughout Slovakia over next two weeks. The busiest day of the festival will be Saturday, 15 February, when concerts will take place in 15 pubs of Slovakia at the same time.
03. February 2020
Pubs from all corners of the country decided to express their attitude, and a few days ago a pub in Prague, where Nina Rosa and Ján Skypal had performed, joined the cause. Even the British magazine for music professionals IQ informed about this Slovak initiative. The event has already exceeded all our expectations, especially in terms of interest, pubs, artists and bands. Since the interest is huge, we thought that some you could find useful a simple and concise website, so here it is: https://slovenskakrcma.sk/. It contains a list of pubs and bands with links to their websites, as well as a map of Slovakia with concert venues marked. It will help you easily find out which nearest pub you can go to and show with your presence that most of the visitors to the pub in Slovakia are not racists and do not identify with fascist views. Today we have added a calendar of Slovak pub, where you can find a chronological list of concerts. Their number is not finite yet, many will be added in the calendar. On https://slovenskakrcma.sk you will find the event calendar, as well as a list of pubs and artists who participated without claiming any fee or reimbursement of any costs.
In cooperation with a number of pubs, artists and organizers of cultural events all over Slovakia, we have launched the Slovak pub initiative. “We believe that most of the pub frequenters in Slovakia are not racist and do not identify with fascist views. It was the people from pubs that Robert Fico referred to when he approved of the statements made by ex-member of the parliament Mazurek after his final conviction by the Supreme Court: “If the Supreme Court's verdict is to be a measure of what is a criminal offense regarding statements on Roma, law enforcement authorities might as well enter any pub in Slovakia and lock up all the customers, including dogs lying on the ground.” We do not agree with the division of citizens into a café and a pub society. We frequent both and we meet great people in pubs as well as in cafes. To show that Slovakia is not a racist country, we are organizing the “Slovak Pub” festival. The event will be held on 4–16 February in pubs throughout Slovakia.
The Slovak Pub festival will feature:
52 Hertz Whale / Abusus / 3ever / Prach / Abyss Above / Adalbert / Akustika / Andrea Bučková / Archívny chlapec /Audiobug / Autumnist / B-Complex / Bad Karma Boy / Besna / Bez ladu a skladu / Billy Barman / Blanch / Box / Brajgel / Bullet Holes / Bulp DJ set / Captain Slice / Collapse and Die / Daniel Buc / Dáša fon fľaša / Decitlitr rumu / Detox Of a Pony / Dimenzia X / Dirty Glances / DJ Džbán / Dorota Nvotová / Dragonflies / Dudli band / Džumelec / FlyingFish / Folk&Bass Orchestra / Fortuan / Fraktúra / Frázy / Frázy Na ceste s Mitanom / Funny Fellows / Fvlcrvm / Genuine Jacks / Ghetto Youths Sound / Goblin / Got Blue Balls / Hypo Kyrie / Chór vážskych muzikantov / Chris Ellys / Ironic Modern World / Isobutane / Jamming with the Devil / Jób / Jozef Lupták / Kiero Grande / Komajota / Kotol orchestra / Kotúče DM / Kto Chce Čo Chce / Kuca-Paca / Kvet z Alokatu / Matwe Drappenmädchenfeller / Laco Svitek / Leminane / Lēra / Les Myzérables / Maca a Kapela Roka / MADratz / Marek Hoffreiter / Marhule / Marián Lucký & band / MENRVA / MF / Morta Shuppoplex / Modré Hory / Nazi Tampons / NighTeen SevenTies / Nina Rosa / NoBrake / NPOH / Queer Jane / Odpor Musíš Prekonať / Off the line / Orchester Worchester / Ostrov / Our Stories / Para / Pii Jem / Prezident Lourajder / Posledné decembrové dni / Pokyman / Pokora / Preßburger Klezmer Band / Random Choices / Raz-2-Try / Roman Oravec - The Smalltown Boy / Raptor Koch / Rozpor / Rudy Bujna / S.B.A. / Samorast / Says / Shallov / Siroty / Sisa Fehér / Slniečko / Small Town Life / Space Cats / Stroon / Supa / Sushicide / Stolen money / Šaldo Band / Šmox / Take Apart / Teskohippies / The Cultural Studies / The Mysteries / The Rising Sign / The Sages / The Wids / The Wilderness / The Youniverse / Trilobeat / Tusté baletky / Uhol dopadu / Universum Project / Uzavretá spoločnosť / Vec & Škrupo + Tono S / Veľká potreba / Viki Olejárová / Vločka / Volume / Vrbovskí víťazi / VBPS / Vyššie sféry / Wychitawacs / Z ničoho nič / Zverina / Žiadno Takvo / Živé kvety
You will see them in these pubs:
Akademia, Trnava / Amfiteáter Gelnica - bar, Gelnica / Amsterdam káva, Vráble / Art Point, Prievidza / Bar u Aničky, Hurbanovo / Bar u leva, Kežmarok / Bar u leva, Spišská Nová Ves / Bašta, Bardejov / Belianska vináreň, Spišská Belá / Bistro Dobrý deň, Kežmarok / Bombura, Brezno / Bosorka, Banská Bystrica / Bukowski Bar, Bratislava / Bystrická pivotéka, Banská Bystrica / Cafe Eden, Devín / CoffeeSheep, Trenčín / Diverso Industrial bar, Brezno / Dobré časy, Košice / Doors Pub, Dubnica nad Váhom / DRØP, Šaľa / Fuga, Bratislava / Furmanka, Námestovo / Gejza bar, Ostratice / Pub Hasič, Trenčín / Havana Bar Družba, Bratislava / Hory Doly, Liptovský Mikuláš / Hostinec u bosorky, Svätý Jur / Hostinec u kohúta, Teplička nad Váhom / Hostinec u Kováča, Dolný Kubín / Hostinec u mnícha, Zlaté Moravce / Kamzík, Ružomberok / Karolínka, Šaľa / Kaviareň Novej synagógy, Žilina / Kinečko, Modra / Klub 77, Banská Bystrica / Kolkáreň, Beckov / Krčma Váh, Liptovský Mikuláš / Kulturák klub, Bratislava / Kuut, Vrbové / Liptovar, Liptovský Mikuláš / Lofft cafe bar disco, Detva / Lokál, Prešov / Krčma Mamut, Poprad / Pub Mamut, Revúca / Mariatchi, Nitra / Mestský hostinec, Trenčín / Koktejlový a hudobný bar Mosquito, Galanta / Na kus reči, Levice / Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava / Pajštúreň, Borinka / Klauzula, Trebišov / Perla, Trenčín / Piváreň 6, Púchov / Piváreň U Býka, Trenčín / Pivnica pri studni, Detva / Pivovar Garáž, Bratislava / Pivovar ŽiWELL, Piešťany / Pizza Basil, Krušinec / Pod hruškou, Pezinok / Pod kamenným stromom, Bratislava / Pohostinstvo u Turčana, Piešťany / Pohostinstvo, Hostovice / Predná hora, Spišská Nová Ves / Radnica - kaviareň a vináreň, Pezinok / Hudobný klub Rakwa, Rožňava / Retro Music & Coffee, Považská Bystrica / Skalný dom, Topoľčany / Siedma struna, Bratislava / Šenk Trenčiansky, Trenčín / Krčma Slimák, Lučenec / Smer Club 77, Žilina / Sokolovňa, Trenčín / Soul Art & Music Bar, Nové Mesto nad Váhom / Spektro, Trebišov / Špajzka, Bratislava Športová krčma, Trenčín / Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Žilina / Stará krčma, Streženice / Štokholm, Košice / Stromoradie, Prešov / Tatranská krčma, Poprad / Ten club, Trnava / Peach, Bratislava / Tri sudy, Topoľčany / U čiernej pani, Piešťany / U Švarca, Pezinok / Viecha malých vinárov, Bratislava / Vodáreň, Trnava / Wake Up Club, Zvolen / XXL Pub, Žilina / Základňa Kanaš, Veľký Šariš - Kanaš / Zelený kríček, Trnava / ŽiWELL - Kursalon, Piešťany / Zvonica, Trenčín /