Stay “Juiced Up” With Batterybox at Pohoda 2024

Stay “Juiced Up” With Batterybox at Pohoda 2024

BatteryBox offers a shared power bank service, ensuring everyone at the festival can effortlessly charge their mobile devices. There's no need to leave your phone in a locker or search for power outlets. Simply charge your device and continue enjoying the festival.

09. July 2024

It's easy – just follow these 3 steps:

1️ Download the app or use a web browser.
2️ Scan the QR code to unlock a power bank.
3️ After charging your device, return the power bank to any BatteryBox station.

If you wish to keep the power bank, you can do so for a fee. You have 72 hours to return the power bank. If not returned within this period, your BatteryBox account will be charged €30, and the power bank is yours. The hourly charging cost is €1.50, with a maximum daily cost of €10.

Charge your phone and enjoy yourself without worries with BatteryBox at Pohoda.

#PohodaFestival #BatteryBox #AlwaysCharged #StayConnected #FestivalLife #SharedPowerBanks #PortableCharging #FestivalVibes #Convenience #EasyCharging