On this page, you will find a summary of all the information. We will update it continuously. Thank you for your understanding.

13. July 2024


Until 31 July, all found items will be stored in Trenčín. If you are able to collect them in person, please call +421944 409 454 to arrange this in advance.

If you cannot collect the items in person, please email

Thank you for your understanding.

You can send back the borrowed power banks and blankets from the Tent Inn campsite by post, and your deposit will be refunded. For more information, please contact Tent Inn directly at
In cooperation with Slovenská Sporiteľňa we have arranged 10 evacuation buses which will be stationed in front of the main stage at 11:30 AM (Saturday). The final stops will be Košice, Banská Bystrica and Bratislava. The buses will also stop in larger towns along the route. The capacity of each bus is 49 seats. At the moment we are planning 4 buses for Bratislava, 3 for western Slovakia and 3 for eastern Slovakia – we will adjust these numbers according to demand. If you would like to use this special transport, please sign up with our team who will be located in front of the showers opposite the main stage.
We kindly ask that you leave the centre of the venue and the tent towns by 12 noon (Saturday). The shuttle service will still be available. The car park is open until 4 PM (Saturday). We will of course extend this time if necessary.
We are sending vans to the tent towns and exits to distribute water and baked goods to you.
Cup return points – a return point for returnable cups has been set up at the Lola bar and at the Trenčín bar. We are working on setting up an additional return point at the Trenčín bar.
Info for everyone who has purchased tickets for the special Slovak Lines festival buses: The buses will depart today (Saturday) at 11:00 AM from in front of the Urpiner stage. They will be dispatched in all three directions: to Bratislava, Banská Bystrica and Nitra.
Validity of tickets for special Pohoda trains:
- Tickets purchased for Sunday festival trains will be accepted by ZSSK train staff on Saturday, 12 July, on any train travelling in the direction for which they were bought.

Capacity enhancements:
- All morning trains heading through Trenčín to Košice and Bratislava will have additional carriages. Specifically, trains Ex 601 and Ex 603, departing from Bratislava at 06:01 and 08:01 (Saturday) and arriving in Trenčín at 07:32 and 09:32 (Saturday), will be significantly reinforced to accommodate all passengers.
Charging stations with mobile phones in the tent towns are available until Saturday at 12:00 p.m. Those who left their phones in the charging station in the Orange zone you can pick it up in the Orange Van in the tent town of Opatovce.
Showers, washrooms, and flushing toilets are back in operation.

Please note that the water in the showers and washrooms in the Opatovce camp is not drinkable. For drinking water, use the tanks and refreshment stalls.

The water in the hygiene center opposite the main stage (next to the hospital) is safe to drink.