News from our shop
Today we have added the most popular pieces of Pohoda merch into our shop. Besides the classic striped T-shirts, we offer Lasica & Satinský & Filip T-Shirts again, also with a long sleeve. You can get last yearʼs collection for a half price from now on until stocks last. On Monday, we will launch the sale of other forms of accommodation: Trenčín huts, PSS Fox Village, Chill Village, and a novelty from Tent Inn.
06. December 2017
We would like to remind you that a courier service will be able to deliver before Christmas the orders placed and paid until Friday 15 of December, 11:59 pm. You can also make it later: tickets and other products will available until 20 of December (including) upon telephone/e-mail agreement with our brick and mortar shop or at our official retailers.