Music Programme in Family Park at Pohoda 2024

Music Programme in Family Park at Pohoda 2024

Family Park will again this year offer a vibrant musical programme for children of all ages (including the grown-up ones :). Braňo Jobus will launch his new book and, along with Slavo Solovic, present a special programme – JOBUSOVKY KOMORNE (Jobus' Chamber Rednitions). Performances will range from classical to pop, featuring children's choirs Margarétka and Kresánik, string orchestra Junior, folk music ensemble Čečinka, and the bands Fusion Division and Tiny Tunes, all under the direction of Vlasta Veľasová and Peter Rezník. This diverse lineup will be showcased in the concert Od Suchoňa po Lipu (From Suchoň to Lipa), led by the choir of the Jozef Kresánek Primary Art School. The band Toddler Punk will deliver great songs for children and parents who care about what they (and their kids) listen to. During the Historical Music Tour concert with the Karol Pádivý Primary Art School, students aged 10 to 18 will entertain you with a charming and energetic mix of tones and styles, from early Baroque in Slovakia to British fantasy of the 1920s, Vivaldi in rock arrangements, Moravian dulcimer poetry, and American Ragtime.

01. June 2024

Braňo Jobus will launch his new book "Ako zemepána Vymletého spravodlivosť zomlela" (How Justice Crushed Lord Dummy) at Pohoda. The launch will be accompanied by a special musical programme, JOBUSOVKY KOMORNE (Jobus' Chamber Rednitions), featuring songs by Braňo Jobus and Slavo Solovic in a chamber ensemble. Their collaboration was rewarded in the 23/24 theatre season with a year-long sell-out performance of "Muflón Ancijáš" in the Grand Hall of the Slovak National Theatre, and it is with this great programme that they will come to Pohoda 2024.
Foto: Jarmila Uhlíková

Toddler Punk
With two guitars, bass, keyboards, drums, and several singer-songwriters, Toddler Punk brings songs for children and parents who care about what they (and their kids) listen to. Formed in 2019, the band features members from Diego and Vetroplach, with most of the lyrics written by writer Monika Kompaníková.

They have released two albums, featuring guest artists like Jana Kirschner, Juraj Benetin, Tomáš Sloboda, Katka Koščová, and Michal Kaščák. Toddler Punk also enjoy performing songs from the musical "Neberte nám princeznú" (Don't Take Our Princess).

Historical Music Tour so ZUŠkou Karola Pádivého
Making music together is undoubtedly the noblest and healthiest activity for people of all ages. Children love chamber music, and often, this passion stays with them for life. The Karol Pádivý Primary Art School in Trenčín boasts several chamber ensembles, with the Chamber Orchestra continuously educating enthusiastic musicians for half a century.

During their concert at Pohoda, students aged 10 to 18 will entertain you with a charming and energetic mix of tones and styles, from early Baroque in Slovakia, through the British fantasy of the 1920s, to Vivaldi in a rock arrangement, Moravian dulcimer poetry, and American Ragtime. The orchestra is directed by Róbert Zemene.

Od Suchoňa po Lipu v podaní zborchestra ZUŠ Jozefa Kresánka
From Suchoň to Lipa, performed by the choir of the Jozef Kresánek Primary Art School. The gala programme commemorating the 55th anniversary of the Jozef Kresánek Primary Art School showcases 55 years of the Slovak music scene through the works of E. Suchoň, S. Stračina, M. Varga, M. Brezovský, and others. A range of music from classical to pop will be performed by the children's choirs Margarétka and Kresánik, the string orchestra Junior, the folk music ensemble Čečinka, and the bands Fsion Division and Tiny Tunes, conducted by Vlasta Veľasová and Peter Rezník.