FFS (Franz Ferdinand & Sparks) - Collaborations do work
“The only strange thing about the band FFS (Franz Ferdinand & Sparks) is that it took them so long to meet and start working together”, wrote about the band the portal A.V.club.
10. July 2015
After Fridayʼs concert, the visitors of Bažant Pohoda can clearly see, too, what A.V.club had in mind to state that. The combination of different styles, continents, and generations is no dissonance, it is a wonderful harmony! The band played new songs, such as Piss Off, Johnny Delusional, and Collaborations Don't Work, and well-known “cover versions” of the bands Sparks and Franz Ferdinand. Great guys playing under the acronym FFS showed right the opposite of the name of their joint single — collaborations do work!