Boy Wonder at Pohoda 2022
After a strong concert at last year’s Pohoda on the Ground festival, rapper and producer Boy Wonder will perform for the first time at our full festival version. At the beginning of March, he gradually released single “Batman”, a currently very resonating song “Celkom horúce leto”, and song “Človek z planéty Zem”, all from his new album Jeseň 2015: Človek z planéty Zem. He kept the fans waiting for the album ten long years, but last Friday he repaid them for their patience with a 23-track load, which he described as follows: “This is no comeback. Everything is as it should be and exactly in its place. It is about me, it is pretty personal and I have decided to share it with you. My private space odyssey.”
16. March 2022
Boy Wonder is also known as a member of band BoyBand (formed with Idea), duo Ladyboy, and the Turbo Boost formation. In 2012, he released his debut Špinavý poet and made shorted the long wait for another album, in addition to collaborations, with songs such as “Pandúri”, “Stále vládze”, “Prekrásny Nový Svet”, “Ukáž mi lásku”, “Chvíľu Šťastní”, and a single from October 2020 called “Život je Lajf”. In 2020, together with producer and DJ Kansiik, he released the LADYBOYS project. They both performed at the Trenčín airport also last year, when they played for Pohoda on the Ground a cross-section of their work, the most popular tracks, a block of featurings, remakes of songs, and, of course, singles, which were released during the pandemic and there was no chance to present them live until then. Their great concert was a good reason for having them soon again; last Friday they added another 23 arguments, and so we will see Boy Wonder and DJ Kansiik also at Pohoda 2022.