Award for the ecological solutions at Pohoda

Award for the ecological solutions at Pohoda

Pohoda is the only festival in Central Europe that separates biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste and even composts it on site using a unique technology. In cooperation with JRK Waste Management, at Pohoda 2016 we processed 1.7 tons of biowaste to produce 170 kilos of compost. As a result, we prevented to discharge more than 106 kilos of greenhouse gas (which equals 60,000 litres of CO2) in the atmosphere. According to the Institute of Circular Economy, Pohoda is different because it provides information and educates its visitors. That is why they appreciated our support for the idea of ​​waste prevention. However, our work with biologic waste does not stop here—we will re-use the compost for growing festival meadow next year.   

14. November 2016