A storm and rain are approaching.

A storm and rain are approaching.

In few minutes, a band of precipitation will reach us, lasting about 2 to 3 hours. We expect a series of shorter storms followed by heavier rainfall. The programme is being suspended due to the storm until further notice. We will notify you when it resumes. Please stay safe, seek shelter, and follow the instructions below.

12. July 2024


Danger: if the time between the lightning fash and therumble of thunder is 30 seconds or less.

Dispose of metal objects, turn of cell phone.

Best body position: crouch on the ground with your weight on the balls of the feet, your feet together, your head lowered and ears covered. Never lie flat on the ground duringa lightning storm.

Spread outand do not stay ina group. Keep distance at least 2 metres from highobjects.

In tent: sit on insulator (groundsheet) and put your legs together, don’t touch tentconstructionand walls.

Staying in a car with windows closed also ofers protection.