Dance workshops at Pohoda 2023

Dance workshops at Pohoda 2023

Delicious to the eye, fascinating in movement creativity, captivating in rhythm, unforgettable in experience - these are all attributes associated with the NAY Dance House (NAY tanečný dom) that will get your blood pumping and your body dancing. This interactive music and dance concept hosts leading figures from the national and international dance scene every year. The aim is to make traditional and non-traditional dance accessible to a wide audience. Year after year, workshops are held to show that the living heritage is still alive in us and thanks to us.The pieces created exclusively for our festival (the so-called Pohoda_born) also have a permanent place. We are excited to see what the Morong family, who have long been involved in the dramaturgy of NAY Dance House's daytime programme, has in store for us this year. → read more

25. June 2023