Začiatok či koniec - debata o kultúre a ochrane prírody
Saturday 10:15 | Café Kušnierik

Začiatok či koniec - debata o kultúre a ochrane prírody SK

Beginning or End: A Debate on Culture and Nature Conservation

Since the regime change in 1989, the cultural ecosystem and the practice of nature conservation in our country have been slowly and arduously working towards normalcy. Just as progress became evident and the fruits of long-term efforts were being enjoyed, brutality and revenge disrupted the scene. In a discussion on whether this marks a beginning or an end, former directors of cultural and nature conservation institutions will share their insights.

Zuzana Denková
 (former director of the Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica)
Zuzana Liptáková (former director of Bibiana)
Marek Kuchta (former director of Low Tatras National Park)
Eduard Apfel (former director of Veľká Fatra National Park)
Martin Staňo