Skupinová terapia: psychológ Ján Hrustič - Umenie blízkosti
Saturday 10:15 | Literárny stan Martinus

Skupinová terapia: psychológ Ján Hrustič - Umenie blízkosti SK

Group Therapy: Psychologist Ján Hrustič – Umenie blízkosti (The Art of Closeness)

Psychologist Ján Hrustič says that loneliness is when we are next to each other, but each in our own world. What causes us to feel lonely within a relationship? How do we rekindle intimacy when it fades? Join us for a Group Therapy session where, alongside presenter and journalist Jana Močková, you'll explore the challenges faced by close relationships, and learn practical techniques to restore fulfilment, intimacy, closeness, and freedom simultaneously.