Saturday 15:15 | Café Kušnierik


SJU is a fresh name on the local music scene, known for a repertoire filled with playful and danceable electronica, vibrant visuals, costumes, and projections. SJU was selected by the jury of the Garage 2024 competition, organised in collaboration with ECoC Trenčín 2026.

Until recently known as the drummer for ORA THE MOLECULE, she now works and creates between Prague and London, having already performed her solo project in Berlin, London, and New York. Her single "RHYTHM IN YOUR POSE" was released by KITSUNE Musique and featured in the reboot of the TV series Gossip Girl. One of her latest tracks, "NYE SKO," has been added to the Fresh Finds & Fresh Finds Indie playlists on Spotify, and the Norwegian label Snorchel Records will be releasing a special vinyl of hers this year.
Her brilliant debut album, MIND THEATRE, was released in April. SJU also runs her own fashion label, BYSJU, designing hats for artists like Will.A.Am, The Black Eyed Peas, JUNGLE, and Gorillaz.