Kušnierik 60: Je to výborné
Friday 12:45 | Café Kušnierik

Kušnierik 60: Je to výborné SK


Kušnierik 60: It's Excellent

Our long-time collaborator and friend, Juraj Kušnierik, would have turned 60 this May. However, he passed away 9 years ago during the Reykjavik Festival. As a journalist, reviewer, presenter, writer, and initiator of much that was beautiful and substantial, he supported things that made people better and more beautiful. Always smiling and gracious, he left behind "islands of normalcy" in Artforum, Domino forum, Slovak weekly .týždeň, and also here at Pohoda, as well as at Rádio_FM and RTVS. He was at home everywhere, co-founding, co-creating, and connecting worlds amidst the sea of our somewhat abnormal society. And he was far from being the only island. There are more, and they are slowly growing. One day, perhaps, they will join together to form a mainland.

Vladimír Michal
Daniel Pastirčák
Michal Kaščák
Štefan Hríb
Lenka Kušnieriková
Jozef Danglár Gertli

Mário Gešvantner