Koncert pre Stanku: Zlokot + Got Blue Balls
Thursday 20:15 | Aréna Slovenskej sporiteľne

Koncert pre Stanku: Zlokot + Got Blue Balls SK

Two outstanding bands, Zlokot and Got Blue Balls, which were united by their shared member Stanka Apfelová, will come together on Thursday evening on one stage to honour Stanka's memory in the way she would have loved—through music.

"Stanka was a founding and longtime member of our band. The bonds we shared in the band were, and continue to be, more than just friendship; we often refer to each other as family. We are grateful for the opportunity to say goodbye to her in this way," says Got Blue Balls, who will perform this concert with special guests closely connected to the band during Stanka's time with them.
"How does one cope with the loss of a loved one on a personal level? And how does one deal with it as a band? What happens to a gender-balanced band if one girl is gone? Doesn't a luxurious band lose its lustre when its most glamorous element is taken away? Is it possible to continue the journey on three wheels? Will the door stay on just three hinges? More questions than answers arise about the split set of Got Blue Balls vs. Zlokot on Thursday at 8:15 pm in the Arena of Slovenská sporiteľňa. We are playing for our beloved Stanka Apfelová," adds Zlokot about the concert.

The visual aspect of the concert will be managed by Ján Šicko, creator of interactive installations, audiovisual performances, computer games, and VJ, operating under the brand DevKid, and winner of the National Design Award.