Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni
Friday 15:30 | Visual stageFriday 10:30 | Visual stageSaturday 19:30 | Visual stageSaturday 15:30 | Visual stageFriday 19:30 | Visual stageSaturday 10:00 | Visual stageThursday 18:00 | Visual stageFriday 10:00 | Visual stageFriday 15:00 | Visual stageSaturday 19:00 | Visual stageFriday 19:00 | Visual stageSaturday 09:30 | Visual stageSaturday 15:00 | Visual stage

Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni SK

Jaro Varga
Mlčanie nás neochráni / Silence Will Not Protect Us

Project Curator: Vladimír Beskid

The title of the exhibition "Silence Will Not Protect Us" is a loose adaptation of the book title "Your Silence Will Not Protect You" by African-American writer and feminist Audre Lorde (a collection of poetry, essays, and speeches from 2017). It carries a message, an appeal to transform the silence of the majority into a "language of action."

Initially held in the space of the Trnava Synagogue – Centre for Contemporary Art and currently at Pohoda Festival, a complex, "saturated" interactive installation is being created. It features strong book titles with rebellious, protest, or defiant gestures, responding to the current convoluted media and mental state of affairs and social environment. The exhibition explores the constant, shifting state of individuality in a complex socio-cultural environment, the fractured relationship between the individual and the system in turbulent times, and in multiple linguistic forms.

Jaro Varga: Silence Will Not Protect Us (workshop)
What transformative power can the title of a book, presented as a banner in a public space, hold? Join us in creating a work that connects, transforms, and amplifies public expression.

The banner-making workshop seamlessly continues from the guided tour of Jaro Varga's exhibition project: Silence Will Not Protect Us. In the introduction, the author will explain the concept and message of the installation, which serves as an open library of borrowable banners. Following this, participants, either in groups or individually, will create their own banner based on the title of an existing book.

The workshop provides a safe space for sharing ideas and slogans that can reveal the complexity behind the book covers. The banners created can be added to the existing library and used for peaceful activism within the festival space.

Workshop capacity: 16 participants

Children are welcome to participate with a parent.

18:00 – 18:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)

10:00 – 10:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)
10:30 - 12:00 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (workshop)
15:00 – 15:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)
15:30 – 17:00 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (workshop)
19:00 – 19:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)
19:30 – 21:00 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (workshop)

9:30 – 10:00 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)
10:00 – 11:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (workshop)
15:00 – 15:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)
15:30 – 17:00 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (workshop)
19:00 – 19:30 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (guided tour)
19:30 – 21:00 Jaro Varga: Mlčanie nás neochráni (workshop)

Partners: Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava

Foto: @_isonative