Café Európa: Prečo na Ukrajine záleží?
Friday 11:30 | EUrópa stage

Café Európa: Prečo na Ukrajine záleží? SK, CZ, UA, PL, GB

CAFÉ EURÓPA: Why Ukraine Matters?

Why should Ukraine matter to us? How does the conflict there impact us all? What role does Ukraine play geopolitically and in the future of Europe?

H.E. Myroslav Kastran, Ambassador of Ukraine
H.E. Nigel Baker, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
H.E. Maciej Ruzcaj, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland
H.E. Rudolf Jindrák, Ambassador of the Czech Republic
Jana Kobzová, European Council on Foreign Relations think tank
Vladimír Šucha