Anna Calvi vydala album Hunter

Anna Calvi vydala album Hunter

Anna Calvi vydala koncom minulého týždňa tretí album Hunter. Spolupracovala na ňom s muzikantmi ako Adrian Utley z Portishead či Martyn Casey z The Bad Seeds. Aktuálne sa chystá na európske turné, v rámci ktorého vystúpi 12. novembra v bratislavskej Novej Cvernovke. Prečítajte si prvé recenzie na jej novú štúdiovku...

03. september 2018

Foto Anna Calvi (Maisie Cousins)

"Anna Calvi, Hunter album review: A powerful statement from a liberated artist. She has bloomed into a wilder, freer and more direct version of herself” 4/5 stars, The Independent
"Building on the sound paintings and battle-cries of her first two albums, Anna Calvi unleashes high drama and feverish passion in the act of liberation.” The Quietus

"Three excellent albums in, Calvi has produced her most complex work to date.” 8/10, The Line of the Best Fit,