White Wine

White Wine

Pohoda 2017 will also have the German-American duo White Wine, which includes Joe Haege, the author of film music and member of bands Tu Fawning and 31Knots. He, at his travels on tours, would spend some of his free time composing synth-punk tunes and beats on his laptop. He was touring also with bands Dodos and Menomena, and it was the sound engineer in of the latter one Fritz Brückner to start working with Haege on his “musical notes from the road”. According to the Berlin website Pop-Kultur, Whote Wine is the type of budding band that you hesitate to book because they might shine brighter than big names.

13. March 2017

White Wine is an example of what happens when an experienced musician does not care about the music industry for a while and concentrates solely on the music itself and his own satisfaction with the way the tracks sound. He released his debut Chroma Key (as a solo project under the name Vin Blanc) as early as in 2011. Lined up with Brückner, they recorded LP In Every Way But One. The main task of the newly formed band was to figure out how to bring the sophisticated songs from the computer to the stage. The basic set of drums, guitar, sampler, keyboard (workstation) Juno and crazy amount of pedals serve as the basis for Haegeʼs distinctive melodic singing. After their first month-long tour, they both knew that it was not the last one. The music of White Wine is a balancing act between a crooning guitarist-songwriter and a dystopic synth-punk band from the late '70s. Haege left the “grunge” Northwest of the US because of the big music and moved to LA; because of White Wine, he left other more successful projects and moved to East Germanyʼs Leipzig close to Brückner. In 2015, the band included another member, drummer Christian “Kirmes” Kuhr. Last year, they released their second album Who Cares What The Laser Says? According to the magazine Intro “it is much that you can discover in the curiosity shop of musical trio White Wine”. Earlier this year they changed their publisher and started working on a new album (Killer Brilliance), which they intend to release in September. The first samples are already available on SoundCloud and we look forward to hearing them along with their older pieces also at Pohoda 2017.