We have a 3D model of the Pohoda grounds
Using photogrammetry, digital fabrication, and 3D printing, the designers of the Unfold studio produced a 3D model of the festival city. But hey, what does this breakneck formulation actually mean?
30. October 2015
Drones took pictures of the whole area from three angles: from the air and two perpendicular side views (this is the photogrammetry, aka photoscanning). Then the data was put into FabLab, where it was used to create models ready for 3D printing (i.e. digital fabrication). The models are positioned on laser engraved permanent areas, for which fibreboard was used (airfield...), and acrylic constructions representing variable parts of the grounds (blocks, showers, flush toilets ...) are placed on the fibreboard. So, from now on, we can literally play physically with the festival grounds.