Tour de Jobus
What would Pohoda be without Braňuško? Braňo Jobus, the high representative of non-serious music in Slovakia, will be active as a speaker, will play with the bands Karpatské chrbáty and Vrbovskí víťazi, and will also present the project Jobus Pubertus in the Family Park. Karpatské chrbáty, the pioneers of Slovak alternative music, will conclude the Saturday schedule on the Budiš Stage. A couple of hours later, the music and work group Vrbovskí víťazi will greeted the final sunrise over the twentieth Pohoda.
03. June 2016
Karpatské chrbáty
The members of the alternative rock band Karpatské chrbáty began performing in 1982 under the name Veget (Time off). However, state authorities did not give the young band time off and banned it. In 1986, they changed the bandʼs name to Karpatské chrbáty. Since then, they have recorded nine albums, and the last one, named Dekel, was released only last year. At their ninth concert at Pohoda, they will play older songs like “Dobre je, keď sa huba obleje”, “Hambala klika”, and “Krstný tato”, as well as the new songs of the last album Dekel.
Vrbovskí víťazi
In 2000, the brothers Jobus founded the musical-working formation Vrbovskí víťazi. It is characterized by the use of non-standard, mostly brass, home-produced musical instruments, such as VVujary, Hajzel (Loo), Ropovod Družba (Oil Pipeline Družba), Výtrub (trumpet out), and Jreg. The universal industrial worker folklore music celebrates work (like Karpatské chrbáty) in the standard language of the Vrbové area. At the welcoming of the sun, they will present classic work hit songs as well as songs specially adapted for this ceremony. Brothers Jobus are linked to some other beautiful events, such as the festival Vrbovské Vetry and popular happenings: Shooting with alarm guns and the World and Universe Championships in pindžerlo (football played on a table using pieces of the game).
Braňo Jobus will introduce his two new books at Pohoda: Zvon (Bell) and Tajná správa (Secret messages) that will come out just before Pohoda:
ZVON (Bell)
How to cure a sick heart? Radko, a sick Rosankaʼs friend, will find a recipe on how to help his sick friend. He will come across a notebook in which Rosanka started writing a tale. Radko decides to continue her story, and not only that, he comes to the hospital to read her the book. It is about the fairy Duchoslava, a coal baron and his unsuccessful son who turned the fairy into a queen bee. The curse can be only cancelled by a thing that takes three months to prepare its form, three minutes to pour it in the form, and three days to wait to see how the things turns out. After all, it is a bell! If it can help the transfigured fairy, could it help sick Rosanka, too? It has got a heart…
TAJNÁ SPRÁVA (Secret message)
A story of courageous racing pigeon OPLAŠKO that turns from a light-hearted and irresponsible rascal into a great pigeon that even manages to save his beloved mother.