Time schedule of Pohoda Day_FM edit
This year's Pohoda Deň_FM is bringing great concerts in the studio no. 5 of the Slovak Radio and several novelties of the 20th edition of Pohoda will be announced there. Visitors will be able to see the magic pieces of the magician Talostan and listen to the music of the Slovenian experimenter Lifecutter, DJs Rafo & Pure, Núku, DJ Gabanna and Billy Barman. The top of this year's event will be performances of Jana Kirschner and Lola Marsh.
16. May 2016
Time schedule of Pohoda Day_FM
Ráno na eFeMku (free):
• 8:00 - 9:00 Billy Barman
• 9:00 - 10:00 Gabanna DJ set
11:00 Press conference about new names and other novelties of Pohoda 2016
15:00 table football tournament registration
Popo_FM (free):
• 14:30 - Jana Kirschner
• 15:20 - Rafo & Pure
• 16:50 - Núku
Pena dní_FM (reservations only):
• 20:00 - 21:00 Lola Marsh
• 21:00 - 22:00 Lifecutter DJ set
Galery (free)
• 21:15 - Lola Marsh (galery)
• 21:30 - kúzelník Talostan (galery)
...looking forward to you :)