The Tap Tap
The Czech big band The Tap Tap has released three studio albums and two “live albums” recorded in the Czech State Opera House. The band has collaborated with artists such as Vojta Dyk, Xindl X, Dan Bárta, David Koller, and many others. The video for their great satirical song “Ředitel autobusu” (Director of the Bus; based on the personal experience of one of the band members) has five million YouTube views. Nowadays you can see the band in the performance “The Tap Tap: Nefňuká” (The Tap Tap does not Whimper) on the New Stage of the Czech National Theatre and at Pohoda 2016 at the beginning of July.
12. May 2016
The Tap Tap band was founded as a leisure activity of students at the Jedlička Institute and Schools. This school helps students with physical disabilities to integrate in everyday life. The Tap Tap is a proof that it does really well. Besides the great songs in which participated Xindl X, Jaroslav Svoboda, and the band Sto Zvířat, The Tap Tap is not only about music. Their activities draw attention to the inclusion of people with disabilities. As their conductor Simon Ornest said in an interview with Martin Veselovský: “You can tell people about the need for the inclusion of people with disabilities a thousand times, but they will not realise it until they themselves are affected by it...” Their latest goal is the completion of Studeo, a training centre for people with special needs at the Jedlička Institute and Schools.
Due to a big number of band members and many requirements for barrier-free access, the production of their concerts is rather a challenge. The Tap Tap, however, do not make compromises in limiting the bandʼs cast. As Ladislav Angelovič, the spokesman of the band said: “Normally we do not have a smaller cast. Why would anyone order a Ferrari with three cylinders?” Pohoda will be no exception and will offer the original big band The Tap Tap at their full strength.