The Ills
They are played on KEXP, mentioned by NPR, Clash, and the BBC. IQ magazine editor in chief Gordon Masson included them in the selection of bands to be seen. Vic Galloway of BBC Scotland likened them to the best of post-rock Explosions in the Sky and Mogwai. They received a positive feedback from the ILMC boss Greg Parmley ILMC and the head of Eurosonic told about them: "Well composed and played. They have everything necessary, emotion, and style.” This is not a feedback on a band nominated for Brit Awards, but rather of the Bratislavaʼs band The Ills. They performed their combination of shoegaze, post-rock, and math rock at Pohoda also last year. Then, they were very well received at Iceland Airwaves and important showcase events Eurosonic and Ment. Their show will open the action on the Pohodaʼs second largest stage.
28. March 2017
This time last year, The Ills gave a great concert at Pohoda Party in the A4 club, then released their fourth album “Ornamental or Mental” and at last year's Pohoda, besides fans they also drew the attention of professional musicians at listening session. Since then, they have been perhaps the abroad most talked about Slovak band. In November last year they made clubs in Iceland packed and they managed to do the same at the beginning of the year also at Eurosonic, where they received support also from our Michal, who described their performance: "Wind, sleet, a long line in front of the club, and the club itself packed. Slovak The Ills on the stage. A perfectly delivered concert followed by a line again, a line of those interested in their CD. A few years ago we named our table football team at the biggest showcase festival “Why there are not Slovak bands playing at Eurosonic?” Fortunately, the name is not true anymore. After last year's great concerts of Fallgrapp and Walter Schnitzelsson, this year The Ills played excellent shows. It is a pleasure to watch them enjoying it, playing naturally, and communicating spontaneously with audience. They are eye-catching, people talk about them. It is great news for the local scene.”
Their good year continued at the Ment festival, where they caught the attention of Kevin Cole of KEXP who included their song “4:17” in his podcast Song of the Day. In April, they are doing Illsane Tour and early July, they are playing another concert at Pohoda. The whole band was pleased to hear about the appearance of Slowdive and particularly was pleased the guitarist of The Ills Martin Krajčír: “Looking at my tattooed arm, it is certainly clear to everyone that everything started for me with listening to Cocteau Twins, and soon after that I discovered Slowdive. I consider their song Alison one of the biggest hits of the shoegaze period and this whole genre had a tremendous impact on the formation of The Ills. Playing before Slowdive is like boasting before parents about something I proudly inherited from them. We are looking forward to Pohoda, to our concert and also to Slowdive playing after us. We will be able to truly enjoy their concert. We couldnʼt even dream of a better scenario!”