Thank you, Ľuboš, our dear Dad.

Thank you, Ľuboš, our dear Dad.

"I will be personal, how could I not be, as our Dad has passed away. I believe Mišo and Martin, his sons, are comfortable with the fact that their father was a dad to many others too. They can take pride in this.

05. July 2024

When I was ten, my brother Marián took me to the first edition of Gympelrock Festival. There, I witnessed a miracle. When The We started playing, I was captivated by how one could play with music – and I instantly knew I wanted to be on that stage someday. Three years later, when I did perform there, among the audience were members of that band, now playing as CHVM. Among them was Ľuboš. After the concert, he approached us and asked if we would like to play with them in Drietoma. Believe me, it meant more to us than if The Rolling Stones had asked us to perform at Wembley Stadium. CHVM, the heroes from Trenčín, were inviting us to Drietoma… miracles do happen. That was the start of our shared brotherly and fatherly journey, particularly with Ľuboš Dzúrik, whom I later began to call Dad.

For years, I thought I was the only one who called him that. Then, during a discussion with the metalheads from Fyasco, I heard them call him “Dad,” and everything made sense.

CHVM, Bez ladu a skladu, DKP, and similar obscure Trenčín bands once engaged in a sort of artistic battle with the local metalheads. And suddenly, some tough young guy from a metal band calls my underground Dad “Dad”? It all fit together so beautifully. Ľubo Dzúrik was a magical benefactor for the whole scene. Just as he made Trenčín the centre of the underground in the 1980s, creating from his community the legendary island of positive deviation and putting our town on the map of the most valuable centres of freedom, so he continued. In all directions.

We have one apt photo together – with Ľuboš holding me up. That is his essence: to hold people around him, to lift them up, to help them. To smile while doing it. And he did this even when his loved ones had to lift him.

I am writing this at Trenčín Airport. Right now, another year of Pohoda Festival is taking shape, a festival that Ľuboš supported from the very beginning. For many years now, the CHVMists have been marking the perimeter of this temporary artistic city. How symbolic – that’s what Ľuboš did all his life, marking our artistic paths joyfully and passionately.


As you sing in the song “Zemeguľa” on the legendary recording “Sny v pŕhľave” from a live CHVM concert at Bratislava’s Primaf, on the best “live” record ever created here: “The Earth took a strange spin, Your essence brushed against it… you found yourself in the cosmos…” Or somewhere further?

But as it is with dads – you don’t lose them no matter where they are, they remain with you even when they are far away. And so we continue to walk our path here, but you, dear Dad, continue to walk with us. For you marked out this path for us.

Thank you for that."

- Mišo Kaščák