65 years of tradition, 10,000 performances in 60 countries, and 30 million viewers. No, these are not figures for the Rolling Stones, it is the export artistic ensemble bringing together the top talents and treasures of the Slovak folklore - SĽUK (Slovak Folk Art Ensemble).
28. April 2015
They will bring distinguished guests (Pastírik, Paluch, Pacora Trio...) and two performances at the Trenčín airport: Ornamenty (Ornaments) and Zvuky nie sú muky (Sounds are not torture). The ensemble was established by the greatest personalities of the Slovak musical modernism – A. Moyzes, E. Suchoň, and J. Cikker and their followers such as I. Zeljenka and S. Stračina. The choreography of SLUK has been created by J. Kubánka, M. Ťapák, S. Nosáľ, and J. Ďurovčík, and the music played by virtuosos such as Rinaldo Oláh and Ján Berky. Even today, top musicians cooperate with the ensemble and include the violinist Stano Palúch, saxophonist Marek Pastírik, as well as the designer and chief of Medialab Ján Šicko. This trio created the project Ornaments. The performance was created as a combination of the folk music of SLUK with the recognised ethno jazz ensemble Pacora Trio, and multi-instrumentalist Marek Pastírik. In Ornaments, Palúch and Pastírik fused the folklore of Orava-Kysuce region, classical music, jazz, and other ethnic music of the inhabitants of the Carpathian Arc and Balkan. It is difficult to describe the excellence of the elaboration of these purely folk motifs, but perhaps one example can speak for all: the art director of SLUK sent Palúch and Pastírik in the Carpathian forests to bring some wood, and they returned with diamonds. Stano Palúch is also the author of the musical comedy for children Sounds are not torture. This interactive show teaches children not just to perceive music, but also to create it. Here, they have the opportunity to sing with musicians, try their rhythmic ability, and play a little theatrical etude directly on the stage. This way, they can see that the world of music is varied, full of the most diverse sounds, clashes, and splashes, and that it is fun to learn about it. ((The performance is not recommended for the children whose future as a doctor or lawyer has been decided for them by their parents... as they could discover a singer or violinist deep inside them;)))