Silent Disco in the Meet The Giants zone
Silent Disco in the MEET THE GIANTS zone will featuring great names of the Czech and Slovak music production, as well as traditional Dutch DJs. There will be just one loud concert on Friday 8th July 2016, from 11:00 pm to 12.00 am, and it will be a music dialogue between VEC and two representatives if the Bigg Boss label, Vladimír 518 and DJ Mike Trafik. A visual show of Lunchmeat studio will be on all evenings; two supports will bear 60 lighting heads, which will take care of an unforgettable visual experience. You can enter the MEET THE GIANTS if you are 18 or older.
06. July 2016
People, whom we have chosen for GIANTS, represent three areas—sound, taste, and imagination. Each of them distinctly stands out in one of them. The music area will be represented by Czech rap icon, Vladimir 518, of the legendary band PSH. The Slovak representative is the strongest hip-hop phenomenon of the past two years, very talented Pil-C. Imagination is represented by visionmaker Kristina Ambrozová, a key figure in contemporary Czech graphic design, and Jakub Pešek, founder of audio-visual studio Lunchmeat. For taste, we have the culinary duo Salt’n’Pepa: spouses and at the same time owners of food truck—a restaurant on wheels and brick and mortar bistro. You can peek into their lives from a slightly different angle. Enter a new world in which you select an area that interests you and you're familiar with. If you answer the call, you can meet the GIANTS at their workshops throughout the year, get to know them personally, and create something new with them.
Vladimir 518
Vladimir 518 discovered music through graffiti, and music became the basis of his artistic expression. It no more just hip-hop, it is the attitude in the service of the hip-hop genre and a manifest of strong will, determination, and passion for the case. In addition to constant touring with “home band” PSH, Vladimir 518 tirelessly works with a number of names across the Czech music scene. Besides music, V518 is dedicated to comics, illustration, audiovisual installations, experimental theatre, and architecture.
Kristina Ambrozová
Kristina Ambrozová and her classmate from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague founded their own graphic studio AAKKforever. The biggest turning point in her career as illustrator came when she met Jakub Stýblo of 44Print and started working for the Analog Bros workshop. She got charmed by screen printing and gradually examined various stages of the process, until she created the entire screen herself and began printing. She designed t-shirts for band Videos, cinema Světozor, publisher BiggBoss, rappers PSH, and brands such as KEMPINK, Sisterconspiracy, and Ragwear. Kristina Abrozová is an unmistakable and original designer with such a unique style that it is almost impossible not to recognize her work at first glance.
Pil C
Nobody knows where Pil C came from, but we all know that in the last decade, he steamrolled the whole scene in a single month. Nobody has ever seen such a rapid rise as Pil C and, if so, could not stand on the top for as long time as he has. His first work (Lost) and following tracks and remixes sound like from a professional with years of experience. The one-single phenomenon was followed by a number of collaborations with long-time icons, such as Delikt, with whom he worked on another huge hit, Faded. He has collaborated with DJ Wich, Mike Trafik, and his latest production is a track and video with Vladimir 518 and Smack, as well as hosting for a Paulie Garandʼs track. His beats essentially come from progressive names such as SpecialBeatz, ConspiracyFlat, Konec, and Dalyb.
Salt’n’Pepa are Radovan and Zuzana, a young Slovak couple with a passion for food and work. Both of them left well-paid, but unsatisfactory work in corporations, and started the uncertain journey in gastronomy business. Their brand Salt’n’Pepa is one of the representatives of the new bistros with quality fast food phenomenon. They also represent the segment of increasingly popular so-called food trucks. The motto of their original menu is “burgers as you donʼt know them” and they took inspiration from their travels around the world and their love of quality street food.
Jakub Pešek
Jakub Pešek worked for a year in Roxy, one of the most famous and longest-serving music clubs in the Czech Republic. Then he left and with several similarly motivated colleagues and friends, he founded audiovisual studio Lunchmeat. Since then they have been perfecting their common vision of the harmony of video and sound. Their scope, however, is much wider, as they seek the most original use of video projections. They work with graphic design, photography, video art, and animation with an overlap to stage design and interior design. They cooperated, for example, on the opening evening of the forty-eighth International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary, they also participated in the panoramic projections for the Czech Olympic House at the Summer Olympics in 2012 in London, and created an interactive map of the exhibition of the Trade fair palace in Pragueʼs National Gallery.