Sendreiovci Le Orchestroha – the world premiere of an extraordinary project under the patronage of Slovenská Sporiteľňa
On Saturday at noon, the Bažant Stage will open with the performance of Sendreiovci, the 35-member State Chamber Orchestra in Žilina, and a childrenʼs vocal ensemble Čercheňora.
26. May 2015
The energetic songs of Sendreiovci were rearranged by Slavo Solovic, who is also responsible for the symphonic version of Korben Dallasʼs songs. At Bažant Pohoda, you will be able to hear the world premiere of these pieces.
The musical dramaturgy is based on the Baroque concerto grosso, where a small instrumental grouping alternates with a large body. Both the groups interact — thus, the spontaneity and drive are transferred in the parts of the orchestra, and, reciprocally, the refinement and discipline are brought in the traditional Roma music.
The singing body Čercheňora (translated as “Little Stars”) was established several years ago thanks to the project of the Young Roma Artists Education Fund (YRAEF). The aim is to support talented Roma children from disadvantaged backgrounds. 70 children from five Roma settlements (from Detva, Kokava nad Rimavicou, Lovinobaňa, Poltár, and Klenovec) are trained by Vlado Sendrei. In addition to the concert with Sendreiovci, the children will show off their talent in our Kids Park. There, their performance will be accompanied by the dance group Romani Luluďi (Roma flower) led by Janka Sendreiová junior.