RozpoR – tough punks from the frontline
If anyone is to be seen as the embodiment of the anti-fascist stance in music in Slovakia, it is the guys in the band RozpoR. They founded the band at the end 90s, and since then, they have been expressing themselves uncompromisingly against neo-Nazis in their music and lyrics as well. It is the time for their “Oi!” and hard-core music with occasional ska and reggae adventures to be played also at Pohoda 2016.
13. May 2016
They recorded their debut Nezabudneme! (We will not forget!) in the bedroom of brothers Walter and Filip (the founding members of the band). Also the following album Ilegálna (Illegal) was recorded at their own expense. At that time, RozpoR were already popular with their stage show, which was special also because of the use of various props. A group of hard core fans of the band was called Pogomančaft Bratislava. In 2005, they played at the commemorative beneficial concert Zastavme neonacistov (Stop the Nazis) at the place where Daniel Tupý was murdered in Tyršovo square in Petržalka. In early 2008, they appeared in the programme Ladí Neladí of the TV ČT2. Shortly after the tenth anniversary of the band, they produced professional music videos in cooperation with Albert Rafaj. The result is a self-reflexive piece with a parodical video Nestala sa z nás už pičovina? (Havenʼt we become bullshit?) and a motivational song Potrebujeme makať na sebe (We need to work hard on ourselves). This is related to hundreds of thousands of views of this alternative band on YouTube. A nurturing bio of the band can be found on their website (http://rozpor.sk/biografia/), and they will show more at Pohoda 2016.