Record-breaking festival edition: festival-goers withdrew more than 410,000 € from ATMs
This year, festival-goers withdrew more than 410,000 € from the three Slovenská sporiteľňa ATMs at our festival, which is a 20% increase compared to last year. Most frequently, they withdrew the sum of 50 €. Record-breaking moment came, as usual, on Saturday between 5 and 6 PM when visitors made more than 3 withdrawals per minute. Almost 38,000 euros were paid through terminals: a 65% increase compared to last year. Four fifths of transactions were contactless, which speeded paying at the festival up.
15. July 2015
Compared to previous festival editions, the sum of money withdrawn most frequently increased significantly. During previous editions, it was 20 €; this year, it was 50 €. A number of ATM transactions increased as well: Pohoda-goers made more than 6,355. The record amount of money withdrawn from an ATM was 1,000 €.
As usual, the bank also provided 70 contactless payment terminals through which the visitors made more than 4,500 transactions totaling 38,000 €. A fun fact: a peak period for payment terminals was identical with that of ATMs, i.e. Saturday evening. The lowest sum paid through contactless transaction system was 1.20 € for a non-alcoholic drink.
“Mamkostan” (Mom Tent) for everyone and packed music program
Besides financial “pohoda”, Slovenská sporiteľňa – the main festival partner – provided a unique “mamkostan” (mom tent) where they took good care of you just like at home. Moms were giving away warm socks, morning snacks or hot cocoa. Slovenská sporiteľňa’s SPACE ARÉNA with packed music program was a part of the festival as well. Thanks to bank’s support, a world premiere of an exceptional music project – Sendreiovci Le Orchestroha – took place.