Program at Literature Tent Martinus

Program at Literature Tent Martinus

“I was so overwhelmed by Pohoda Festival last year. I’m kind of not very fond of festivals and crowds and usually don’t feel like going anywhere! At that time, I was just about to finish my book Citlivý člověk (A Sensitive Person) and all I wanted to do was keep on writing! But I was sent to Pohoda from Václav Havel Library so I had to go there! Going there was the best thing that could happen to me! The plot of a chapter that I still had to finish was suddenly clear to me; I realized that the protagonists, lovers, traveler Táta and actress Soňa – were meant to meet at Pohoda! It was after that that they could start traveling the world. I wrote that chapter right away; that’s how pleasant an influence the festival had on me. I felt like I was part of the future where all went well; all those bands, people everywhere; everything just worked well.  So I was very happy at Pohoda and worked well, too. And I think that there are few novels in the world that were finished in a small green tent to the sound of hellish and at the same time beautiful music of The Prodigy,” Jáchym Topol wrote after Pohoda 2016. He’s going to present his new novel A Sensitive Person at this year’s edition of the festival. Apart from him, the author of book All the Kremlin's Men Mikhail Zygar, Etgar Keret, Irena Brežná and many more writers are coming to the festival.

01. July 2017


9:00 – 10:00, Dušan Mitana
D. Mitana is about to release two new books: Krst ohňom (Baptism of Fire) and Môj rodný cintorín (My Home Cemetery). At this occasion, actors Ľ. Bukový and J. Hrčka will be reading his short story Hrob ako stvorený pre svadobnú noc (A Grave Perfect for the Wedding Night).

10:00 – 11:00, Blue Peter
60 minutes of live poetry, prose and painting: P. Milčák and M. Ormandík will introduce a book Ako sa číta obraz (How to Read a Painting), Ľ. Bendzák will be reading about his older sister, who he named Samota (Solitude), J. Milčák will be reading out of his novella Study of the Wind and L.  Lipcsei will introduce verses from his debut collection Svätým mečom (With a Holy Sword).

11:00 – 12:00, Anasoft litera 2017
A debate with finalists of the prestigious literary prize Anasoft litera 2017. Z. Cigánová – A. Makýšová Volárová, J. Juhás – M. Gešvantner, I. Gibová.

12:00 – 13:00, Poems 2016
Featuring finalists of the last year’s edition – V. Kolejáková (winner), V. Nádaskay, P. Prokopec, P. Cibo, N. Kollárová, M. Benkovič, M. Melicherčík, D. Želinský, M. Vlado, A. Bublák.

13:00 – 13:30, Katarína Holetzová
K. Holetzová debuted with a detective story Smrť prekliatych (The Death of the Ill-Fated) and is working on the sequel, which should be published under the title of Svorka (Pack). The author and her work will be introduced to you by R. Rus.

13:30 – 14:00, Jáchym Topol
J. Topol’s new novel A Sensitive Person features the themes of “migration of nations,” political correctness, conflict at Crimea, but Pohoda Festival appears in the book as well.

14:00 – 15:00, Marek Šindelka
M. Šindelka’s novel Únava materiálu (Material Fatigue) is a reaction to the migration wave. He describes a journey of two brothers coming from an unnamed country tormented by the war to Europe. Hosted by R. Rus.

15:00 – 16:00, Our (War) Slovakia
Writer S. Lavrík in his book Nedeľné šachy s Tisom (Sunday Chess with Tiso) and journalist V. Homolová Tóthová in her bestseller based on true story Mengeleho dievča (Mengele’s Girl) write about the forms of surviving in the war Slovak State. Hosted by L. Oravec.

16:00 – 17:00, Mikhail Zygar
Russian journalist M. Zygar wrote a book All the Kremlin's Men where he analyzes questions about Kremlin and Putin. The book has rapidly become a bestseller in Russia.

17:00 – 18:00, Hi at five / Dušan Mitana
Program Čau o piatej (Hi at Five) will be dedicated the work of D. Mitana. R. Stanke will ready a chapter from novella My Home Cemetery and J. Oľhová the legendary short story Kiki a Viki (Kiki and Viki).

18:00 – 19:00, Etgar Keret
Israeli writer E. Keret will introduce his new collection of short stories Eight Percent of Nothing. He will introduce his book in an interview with journalist M. Tóda. R. Stanke will be reading extracts from the book. The collection features stories from his early work that were selected exclusively for Artforum.

19:00 – 20:00, Irena Brežná
I. Brežná is a Swiss-Slovakian writer and journalist. Her prose is a reportage about people’s actions and her reportages have a sensibility of fiction.

21:00 – 22:30, Festival Áčko – screening
Night screening of movies awarded at a student film festival.

22:30 – 00:00, Visegrad Film Forum
Night screening of movies awarded at a student film festival.


9:00 – 10:00, Fantasy quiz
Come pit your strength and wits at the fantasy genre quiz.

10:00 – 10:30, Viliam Dobiáš
In his book 5 P, the president of Slovakian Red Cross shares his knowledge about first aid he has gained in over 40 years.

10:30 – 11:00, Marek Vadas & Daniela Olejníková
Útek (Running Away), a children’s book written by M. Vadas and illustrated by D. Olejníková has caught the attention by its theme of migration and awards for its visuals. Reads E. Moresová

11:00 – 11:30, Bublina Magazine Launch
Children’s magazine Bublina (Bubble) will be introduced by rapper Vec and comedian T. Hudák together with its founders V. Gábrišová, J. H. Hoffstädterová, B. Schragge, I. Šáteková and publisher B. Meluš. Other guests: M. Hvorecký, S. Marec, M. Schmidt, O. Rehák

11:30 – 12:00, Michal Hvorecký
After a six-year break, M. Hvorecký releases a new novel Trol (Troll). The main character toils in a factory fabricating main news and creates new world maps.

12:00 – 12:30, Martin Reiner
He is a founder of Petrov publishing house; as a poet, he has released a number of poetry collections and received a Magnesia litera prize for his prosaic book Básnik (Poet) about Ivan Blatný.

12:30 – 13:00, Pavel Kosatík
Czech journalist and writer Pavel Kosatík is a co-author of České století (The Czech Century) series, which inspired the birth of a comic series Češi (The Czechs).

13:00 – 13:10, Fantasy quiz – results

13:10 – 14:00, Czecho Mecho
A series of contemporary Czecho-Slovakian poetry. Featuring E. Šimšík, M. Tallo, M. Lacko, O. Škrabal, T. Klasová, I. Mikyska and guests.

14:00 – 15:00, Daniel Majling
A staged reading from the anthology of stories Ruzká Klazika (Ruzzian Clazzics), which was put together and translated by D. Majling. Featuring M. Ondrík, A. Hajdu, Z. Fialová, T. Turek.

15:00 – 16:00, liteRAPture
Top rappers will perform without beats and won’t mince their words. Featuring Kato (Prago Union), IDEA, Boy Woder, Fobia KID, Beatbox and Strýček Nicholas. Hosted by KK Bagala.

16:00 – 17:00, Short Story 2017
Featuring finalists of the 20th edition of a literary competition Poviedka (Short Story): D. Madro (1st place), R. Komžíková (3rd place), K. Kolbas and E. Ryšavá (bonus). M. Slováková will be painting live. Texts will be read by A. Rakovská and M. Marušin. Hosted by M. Mikšík and KK Bagala.

17:00 – 18:00, Hi at Five
You will get to hear the winning texts from the 20th edition of the Poviedka (Short Story) competition. J. Kvantíková will be reading the winning short story by D. Madro and Z. Kronerová will be reading text by I. Dobrakovová (2nd place).

18:00 – 18:30, Maroš Hečko – Ďalej na Západ sa dá ísť len na Východ
A new book by M. Hečko is a book road movie about two friends who, after finishing college, decide to emigrate.