Pohoda F(Lovers)

Pohoda F(Lovers)

Help us create a garden in the heart of festival site This time each year we start preparing soil in the heart of the festival site. Due to the ongoing development of airfield, we can’t plant the flower garden this year. However, we believe that flowers are essential part of Pohoda. Therefore, we would like to ask you to help us create a temporary flower garden in Pohoda’s center.    

13. April 2018

How to do it? We invite anyone to bring their own flowers to the airfield. Get a pot, soil, seeds and water and plant your favorite flowers. Not sure how to start? Watch the video featuring our team of agronomists comprising Michal Sládek and Monika Satková who planted the first flower in Pohoda office (it was a sunflower, naturally).

Flower planting (instructions for sunflowers, but any flowers are welcome)

  • Add soil to the flowerpot.
  • Plant the sunflower seed 2.5 centimeters deep.
  • Water it once every other day.
  • Keep the sunflower in a nice sunny part of the room.
  • Wait 13 days to see if plants are growing.
  • Take a good care of your sunflowers.

* You can find instructions on how to plant other types of flowers on seed packets; you can Google the instructions or ask your mom/grandma who will sure help you :)

You can share your planting achievments with us here: www.facebook.com/events/336115260125799

We’re looking forward to putting all your flowers together at Pohoda 2018.