Play Treasure Hunt at Pohoda 2024

Play Treasure Hunt at Pohoda 2024

At the "Nemlčať je zlato" (Speaking Up is Golden) booth, the Whistleblower Protection Office staff have prepared a number of fun activities for you. Not only can you get quality merch, but you can also gain valuable, new knowledge. After last year's great success, the Treasure Hunt will return in a new, improved version. Successful treasure hunters who find the hidden treasures in the festival grounds will win a beautiful and high-quality sweatshirt, t-shirt, tank top, cap, bag, or notepad.

24. May 2024

There will be other equally fun activities waiting for you at the Office's booth. The staff will be happy to introduce you to their responsibilities—how they protect Slovak whistleblowers in corruption and fraud cases, as well as the incidents they handle.

The Whistleblower Protection Office is still a relatively new, independent institution. With the message "Speaking Up is Golden" it fights against ingrained stereotypes and promotes a culture of speaking up so that we live in a fairer and more just country.

#oznamovatelia #whistleblowing #nemlcatjezlato