On the special Pohoda trains, we will give you a wristband and you can also look forward to a music programme

On the special Pohoda trains, we will give you a wristband and you can also look forward to a music programme

We will run the trains from Košice and Bratislava in cooperation with our environmentally friendly partner ZSSK. On both trains we'll also be giving you wristbands so you don't have to waste time at the gate and can set up your tent more quickly.

03. July 2024

The programme in the party carriage from Košice will be organised by the team from Tabačka Kulturfabrik. DJ sets will be played by:
- TBCK Mc Zuzči & Von Radkoff
- Maroš Jambrich
- Gabriela.

The programme in the carriages from Bratislava will be managed by the team of PINK WHALE. Each carriage will have a completely different programme. Who will perform in which one? That's a secret you will find out in the carriages :).
- Marhule will present a relaxed anti-punk with aesthetic elements of the agro-complex.
- Kolotočarina by – a legendary Bratislava party will also be in the car from Bratislava and will feature everything unexpected, including Britney or O-Zone.
- DJ Reverend will play everything from Ethiopian brass band music to hardcore.
- DJ 100ka has a penchant for punk, fat 80s and one-hit wonders. This will appeal to those looking forward to concerts in the Garage.
- DJ Playlist – simply a corporate playlist :)

Come to Pohoda in an eco-friendly way on a special festival train, get a wristband during the journey and enjoy a great music programme. A return ticket costs only €9.90.