Midi Lidi
Midi Lidi are slowly but surely becoming a traditional Pohoda band. It is due to the exceptional dance expression of Petr Marek and the fact that he “likes to cook”. The female colleagues from the agency present the same ultimatum each year: they would not depart for the airport without Midi Lidi. They and the rest of the agency value the detachment in the work of this five-member trio and the abundant curls of Prokop Holoubek. Agency people aimed to extend Tomino Kelarʼs stay at Pohoda so they unambiguously asked him to hold the post of stage manager of the Visegrad stage. We will also examine the veracity of their lyrics at the festival – we strongly believe that Koller will not be slayed by cholera and Prodigy “will come with their parents”.
30. May 2016
The band Midi Lidi was formed in 2006 of the band Krásný Stěhovák Gerard & Sexuální nábytek. Already their first album, Čekání na robota (Waiting for the Robot, 2007), got great responses. After their third album, the band grew by Tomáš Kelar (drums, vocals, electronics, keyboards, the music composer for the band Čoko Voko) and two visual artists: Roman Přikryl (Fiordmoss) and Tereza Rullerová aka VJ Texa (The Rodina). In 2012, they created the successful soundtrack for the film “Polski film”.
For Prokop Holoubek, Petr Marek, and Tomáš Kelar, music is only one of the possible artistic expressions. That is why their live concerts offer unconventional approach and expression of their own songs and cover versions. At last year’s Pohoda, they entertained the audience with their “helium cover version” of the song Dnes by Tublatanka. In early May, they published the video for the song Lux, in which Petr Marek imitates Marek Vašut. On 15th June, they are releasing their fifth album “Give Masterpiece a Chance!” The motto of the album is “Take time for life”, and we, as festival organisers, cannot disagree. That is why “we will be very pleased to give a change to their masterpiece once again”.