Martinus at Pohoda 2024

Martinus at Pohoda 2024

Martinus Bookshop, in cooperation with, will once again offer two days of quality reading and exceptional guests at Pohoda this year.

28. May 2024

You can look forward to award-winning author Hassan Blāsim, whose work has been translated into twenty languages, despite being banned in some Arab countries. We will also welcome reporter Tomáš Forró and Marek Torčík, who recently won the Magnesia Litera prize for prose. Psychologist Ján Hrustič will talk about his book Umenie blízkosti (The Art of Closeness) and other topics. Viki Marcinová from the civic association Krajina čitateľov (The Land of Readers), together with Katarína Koščová and Pavel Hric from the civic association Cesta von (The Way Out), will discuss how adults who read can positively influence children. Soňa Uriková, Dano Majling, Vanda Rozenbergová, Richard Pupala, Ivana Gibová, and others will also visit the Literature tent. You can also look forward to LiteRAPture, Slam poetry, and the popular book quiz. And Štrpka will be there too!