Ľudové Mladistvá

Ľudové Mladistvá

The Ľudové Mladistvá project brings together the elements of folklore, jazz, and classical and energetic modern music. Within less than a year of cooperation, these young top musicians have been awarded The Discovery of the Year Award at Radio_Head Awards, 3 awards at New Faces of Slovak Jazz, and in April they won the International JazzFruit Prize in Prague. Their energetic non-traditional form of folk songs will also be played at Pohoda 2017.

25. May 2017

Behind the project is the 23-year-old composer and keyboardist Martin Majlo Štefánik. The merger of seemingly unsettled elements in his arrangements immediately triggered the interest of the general public. The success of the project lays in great young musicians.
Martin Majlo Štefánik studied composition and piano at the conservatory in Bratislava. He also collaborates with musicians such as Emma Drobná, Celeste Buckingham, Majk Spirit, and H16.
Jakub Kačic studied in the USA in Berklee and is currently continuing his studies at JAMU in jazz interpretation.
Jozef Madola was a bass player in the A.M.O. formation. Later on, he started the Solid Move project, and is active in band General Foxx, where plays with rappers H16, Boy Wonder, Separ&DMS, and others.
Violinist Ján Kružliak sr. studied classical music at the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark. He is actively involved in various musical styles, from classical to electronic music. He has collaborated with several DJs (Jimmy Pé, Dj Mathew, Velvet Sky).
Peter Leto belongs to the young talented generation of cimbalom players.
The band is complemented with four singers - Monika Horičková, Terézia Jarošová, Nina Kollárová, and Mária Nagyová, who have been with folklore singing since their childhood.